Mark Headrick's General MIDI Page
Page last modified:February 23, 2022.
Newest file ( "Staying Alive" by Bee Gees) uploaded on February 12, 2017Bluegrass | Classical | Country | Dance | Electronic | Folk | Heavy Metal | Miscellaneous | New Age & Celtic | Pop & Rock | Rap | Rhythm & Blues | Trance | TV & Movie Themes | MIDI Resources & Links
I do not take credit for the creation, sequencing, or arrangement of these files. I just enjoy collecting them. A few I may have tweaked a little to sound better on the (at the time) AWE64 or to fix a stuck note or sustain pedal. Credit belongs to the authors as listed in the copyright notes/properties of the files. Also, all of these files are assumed to be in the public domain.
This page was originally designed to work with the Crescendo plug-in in Netscape. Alas, Crescendo is toast and I haven't used Netscape in forever. Well.. now it's designed to work best with Internet Explorer and uses Windows Media Player for the plugin. Oh, it works just fine with Firefox 32-bit versions 2.X - 54.X as well. You may need to install the Microsoft® Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin which I have made available here. The sites where you used to be able to get it no longer exist. (Doh!)
Dec 28, 2021: Well, I managed to get MIDI files playing within Firefox 95.0.2 using my soundfont in Windows 10. Here's how:
- Install the MIDI Player extension from Jazz-Soft into Firefox.
- Install the Jazz-MIDI Extension by Jazz-Soft into Firefox as well.
- Install the Coolsoft VirtualMIDISynth program. This will allow you to chose which soundfont(s) to use.
- Install the Coolsoft MIDI-Mapper program which is a replacement for the now missing Microsoft MIDI-Mapper. Then in it's configuration set it to VirtualMIDISynth #1.
- At this point restart the browser and then try playing one of the files here. :)
Sep 1, 2017: With Firefox 55 and later, the Windows Media Player plugin will no longer work even with the workaround below. It does still work with Firefox 52 ESR which you can get here. According to the chart on this page, the ESR version will work until the ESR 59 version comes out in Spring/Summer of 2018.
Feb 25, 2017: Beginning with Firefox 52, the Windows Media Player plugin will no longer work. See Why do Java, Silverlight, Adobe Acrobat and other plugins no longer work? - Mozilla Support Community. So, I'm not sure what I will do yet. On the DVD pages I may record the MIDI themes as MP3 files and use those. I've done this with the Benny Hill one.
Update: As it turns out, according to this DSLReports thread, with Firefox 52, you can use the NPAPI plugins by doing the following:
- Go to about:config
- Right-click and choose New -> Boolean and make a preference name called plugin.load_flash_only and set it to false.
May 15, 2013: For those that just upgraded to Firefox 21.X, you might have noticed the Windows Media Player Plugin is no longer seen. For now, the easiest solution to correct this is to go into about:config and change the value for plugins.load_appdir_plugins from false to true and restart Firefox. For more information about this, read this MozillaZine Thread.
Jan 24, 2013: For those using Windows 7 (like me now), you'll want to read my post on How to Make MIDI Files Sound Better in Windows 7
Some of my favorite MIDI files for download:
Note: I (used to) have a Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro and these sound(ed) great on it. All of the files here use the General MIDI format and do not require any special Sound Fonts or anything. For those with a X-Fi / Audigy / Live / AWE64 / AWE32 / SB32, check out my Sound Blaster page for stuff more specific to it.
RESET.MID (play it in midi frame) - I created this MIDI file out of frustration when I would play one particular MIDI file and certain ones I played after it sounded wrong (wrong instruments, the absence of some instruments, and so on). Also, every now and then I would get hold of a MIDI file that had a stuck note at the end of it and the only way to stop it was to reboot the system or load up my copy of Cakewalk Apprentice (by Twelve Tone Systems, Inc.) and hit the Panic Button in it. What I wanted was a MIDI file version of Cakewalk Apprentice's Panic button. With some help from their Tech Support and my own investigation, this is what I've come up with.
= Play the file in a popup media player window. You may have to enable popups for it to appear.
Heavy Metal
New Age & Celtic
Pop & Rock
Rhythm & Blues
TV & Movie Themes
Videos of MIDI Files Being Played
Links to other MIDI sites and resources
Update Monday, October 03, 2011: It seems that the bulk of the sites I had linked on here either no longer exist or their contents had totally changed or been removed. I am currently looking for some new sites to link here.
Music of Cyberspace (, contains original songs by Michael D. Walthius. His music is excellent and I highly recommend visiting this site. Per copyright restrictions, I cannot post any of his files here. 4/18/2007: Well, dang.. his website is gone. Hmmm... :( 7/19/2009: Hey, I found his new website! or 12/27/2021: Well, it seems both of his websites are no longer. You can search for him on Google.- MIDI Information on Wikipedia
- MIDI Manufacturers Association - Lot of hardware and other information here about MIDI
- alt.binaries.sounds.midi USENET Newsgroup. Great place for trading MIDI files. If you're looking for a particular MIDI file, this is the place to ask.
- I had a link to the FAQ from alt.binaries.sounds.midi, a lot of useful information with many common questions about MIDIs answered, but it's not valid anymore. Looking for another site. For now, you can look at an old copy I have: absmfaq.txt.